Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Have A Brain!

And here's my proof! I got a CT scan of my head a while ago (no problems were found) and since we recently bought a new scanner I thought I scan it in...

You can see my one and only filling as the bright white spot in my teeth. Michelle thought I had a rotten tooth for a long time, but it was just an old style filling (since replaced with a nice white one). So there you go, proof that there is in fact something between my ears!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lake Matheson

It doesn't get any more New Zealand than this!

Michelle and I are going through our NZ trip photos now that the weather isn't 40+ degrees, and this one taken on Lake Matheson near Fox Glacier pretty much sums up the NZ countryside. Lakes, mountains, ferns, flax and a koru... it has it all!
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