Monday, October 09, 2006

Moving and Shaking

After getting the keys on Friday we were around at our new house again on Saturday to get quotes for an alarm system. It was also the perfect opportunity for some DIY. The first casualty?

You guessed it! The saloon doors on the kitchen just had to go! This does mean that our cowboy-themed housewarming is now unlikely to go ahead, but I am thinking thats a good thing.

Unfortunately I didn't take any after photos! I am going to blame the fact that it was my first DIY and I was feeling so giddy with success that the camera slipped my mind... yes, that sounds plausible. You will have to take my word for it when I say it is a vast improvement!

But I was not content with just the DIY! Consider the following photographic evidence...

Yes, that is me behind the wheel of a car! What you cannot see from this angle is Michelle panicking in the passenger seat... Posted by Picasa

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