We had a short stopover in Sydney before we headed off. It took us about 4 hours flying before we finally left the north coast of Australia. Michelle made me take one last photo of Australia to commemorate the occasion:
Then it was only 5 more hours to HK! I amused myself watching 3 different movies while Michelle slept, and then when we went to swap roles the cabin crew turned on all the lights! And to top it all off, a young kid next to us managed to throw up all over her seat and the floor in the middle row next to us. Luckily for Michelle, she slept through the worst of it.
Soon enough though we were landed and through the most lax customs I have ever seen and off into Hong Kong. I was pretty knackered so I went to bed pretty soon after arrival. Here is a quick snapshot of the view from our room:
For the observant among you, yes that is bamboo scaffolding on the big green building. Next stop, shopping!
Wow - I'm impressed with your ability to post this in amongst all the travelllin.. Hehe, what a flight! Lucky Michelle aye :) Man the vomiting kid sounds hard out, you shoulda snuck a photo to commerate that hehehe
xxx have fun shopping!
I dunno about the vomit photo - planes make me feel nauseous anyway so I was doing my best to concentrate on the movie and not the vomit smell! A photo might have tipped me over the edge.
We have a computer in our room here and Michelle is on it checking her email a lot ;) Once we hit Europe I expect the updates to dry up though.
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