Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It Lives!

With Michelle and I heading off around the world yet again it seemed appropriate to resurrect this humble old blog. This time we are off on our honeymoon, visiting New Zealand, China and Hong Kong in one mad month. I have a brand spanking new camera ready to go, but have been sidetracked with this great app for the iPhone called Hipstamatic. It turns the boring old camera on your phone into a cool, retro one. Like so:

I am sure once we get out amongst the mountains of Yunnan I will whip out the big boy, but for now enjoy some of the crazy shots Michelle and I have taken around our hotel:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Site

I have started a new website that is much easier to post to over at (cool domain name too). I will be putting blog like posts up there from now on, so it's probably a good idea to bookmark/rss that site instead.

See you there!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Have A Brain!

And here's my proof! I got a CT scan of my head a while ago (no problems were found) and since we recently bought a new scanner I thought I scan it in...

You can see my one and only filling as the bright white spot in my teeth. Michelle thought I had a rotten tooth for a long time, but it was just an old style filling (since replaced with a nice white one). So there you go, proof that there is in fact something between my ears!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lake Matheson

It doesn't get any more New Zealand than this!

Michelle and I are going through our NZ trip photos now that the weather isn't 40+ degrees, and this one taken on Lake Matheson near Fox Glacier pretty much sums up the NZ countryside. Lakes, mountains, ferns, flax and a koru... it has it all!
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Thursday, January 29, 2009


Two posts in one day? Madness! I realized that I hadn't linked this video here, so here you go...

Qantas Travel Writer Comp

I sent an entry in to the Qantas Travel Writer Competition, but my entry never appeared on the site (I think maybe because I sent it from within NZ). The competition was to write an original story of "250 words or less about the destination, dining experience, hotel or adventure that fuelled your passion for travel." Here is my entry:

Stonehenge Hangover
When visiting Stonehenge, having a hangover isn't recommended. Unfortunately, this was the predicament I found myself in as we sat in a hotel lobby at 5AM waiting for our tour bus. The short walk over hadn't cleared my head, the fog and drizzle matching my mood.

I slept fitfully as the bus rolled through the London suburbs, rain-streaked concrete eventually breaking into rolling countryside. As we approached Stonehenge the guide suggested we lean into the aisle and look out the front window. I eased myself over and dangled my head into the aisle just as we crested a rise.

And there it was. Stonehenge. Sitting in the middle of a field. From this distance, it seemed so small and out of place. It looked almost apologetic as it stood there, naked, nothing around it and the whole bus gawping at it. It seemed so ridiculous, I almost laughed! I was also struck with a sense of just how far we had travelled, all the way from Adelaide. Our holiday was now truly beginning.

The morning sun had burned away the clouds by the time we arrived at the entrance, and soon after, we were inside, amongst the stones. We ran around like children, touching the stones, feeling their warmth, ruffling their moss, all under the quizzical gaze of the resident blackbirds. We giggled and laughed, took a million photos, but nothing could capture the rush and exuberance of the moment. Too soon, we were gone. Amazingly, so was my hangover.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lake Tekapo

I took a few panoramic photos on our recent trip and have been looking for a good way to show them online. Dan Too put me onto zoomorama and I think it works pretty well...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Heading to NZ

Well, we are off on another adventure, this time around New Zealand. We are heading over for my Dad's birthday but are using that as an excuse to go on a long driving holiday all the way down the country.

Unfortunately I injured my butt playing cricket and it is insanely difficult to sit down for long periods of time, which should make the trip... interesting! Plus, I have been told that a bout of backyard cricket has been organised, so I'll have to practice my "stand and deliver" batting style.

I have some last minute physio and massage booked in, so hopefully all is well by this Saturday... fingers crossed!