Saturday, October 07, 2006

Its Official!

The settlement went smoothly and Michelle and I picked up the keys to our place today. We are now offically home owners! We sat down with the agent after we got the keys and had a good talk about all things strata and house related. She was quite curious as to how we came up with our final price as apparently we just scraped over the line!

Next on the agenda is to get a security system installed. We had a quote today and are getting some more tomorrow. We are also having an open home at our old flat to try and get a new tenant in ASAP. Because we are breaking our lease we have to pay rent up until either the lease expires or a new tenant is found. Its a nice place, though, so we don't anticipate any problems getting someone else in. Its going to be sad in a way though. We have both been here for quite some time and there are a lot of memories (good and bad). Its going to be great to finally have a place that is totally ours though. No more paying off someone else's mortgage!

Oh and I promised to give a shout out to Brendan, my readership of one! Can't wait til the Ashes bro!


Anonymous said...

Well done mate, welcome to the ranks of home ownership. Now you can look forward to a nice chunk of cash dissapearing from you take home allowance :D never mind, nothing feels better than improving on or maintaing your own domain.

phil said...

Woohoo! Thanks for my first ever comment Dan :) Now I must reciprocate!