Monday, March 24, 2008

One day in Mongkok

We started today in search of some good walking shoes and socks. Even though they seemed expensive by HK standards, they were a third the price of the same brand back in Australia. Nevertheless, $700 sounds like a lot in any language! To get over the pain in our wallet we headed out to Mongkok in hunt of some bargains.

We spent most of our time in the "Ladies Market", which is a massive open air street market:

We didn't go to the markets yesterday since it was pouring with rain, but there was no holding back today. I managed to buy a 'Hugo Boss' (deliberate inverted commas) belt from the first vendor we saw and subsequently felt a little ripped off (even though it was only AUD$9). After that it was strictly bargain hunting. We emerged a few hours later with new bags, glasses, a hat for Michelle and that darn belt... and the knowledge that we will go back again before we go.

Not many people drive in Hong Kong, which isn't suprising given the fantastic public transport. When you do see private cars on the street they are usually very expensive or very modern. It's quite amusing to see Mercedes and Audis sandwiched between the giant double-decker buses inching around the cramped streets.

Oh, and speaking of public transport, how about some MTR photos! Here is Michelle waiting patiently for the next train:

Here it comes now!

There are glass walls separating you from the track and they have automatic doors that are synchronised with the train. This prevents anyone from falling/jumping on the tracks. Apparently it was a popular way to commit suicide. You know, back in the good old days...

1 comment:

Chelli bean said...

I think we spend most of our time underground using the MTR (subway system)!